Here you will find helpful information for bar candidates, jurisdictions, the bar admissions community, the legal education community, and media/press.

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Testing Task Force Releases Preliminary Recommendations
NCBE’s Testing Task Force has released its preliminary recommendations for the next generation of the bar exam.
Press Release
National Mean of 137.2 for October In-Person MBE
417 examinees in five jurisdictions sat for the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) on October 1, 2020.
Survey of Remote Test Takers Continues Through November 11
NCBE is in the process of surveying test takers who took a remote exam using NCBE materials in October in order to learn more about their experience.
NCBE Announces Initial Plans for Remote Option for February 2021 Bar Exam
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) today announced initial plans that will allow jurisdictions the option to provide the bar exam remotely in February 2021, since challenges related to COVID-19 will likely still be present next year.
Press Release
National Mean of 142.7 for September MBE
1,811 examinees sat for the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) in eight jurisdictions on September 9–10, 2020.
Press Release
2020 Bar Exam Process Comes to an End: Approximately 38,000 Applicants Took Bar Exam in July, September, or October
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) today announced the completion of the July 2020 bar exam process by jurisdictions nationwide that administered its exams.
Press Release
National Survey Finds Support for Bar Exam
Four out of five Americans support in-person or remote bar exam for law school graduates.
Press Release
August 2020 MPRE Mean Score Increases
The national Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) mean scaled score for August 2020 was 98.6.
Press Release
July 2020 MBE Mean Score Increases
The national Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) mean scaled score for July 2020 was 146.1.
Press Release
Hulett H. Askew Elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of the National Conference of Bar Examiners
Hulett H. (Bucky) Askew of Atlanta, Georgia, has been elected chair of the Board of Trustees of the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE).
Press Release
NCBE and CLEO Extend Partnership to Better Diversify the Legal Profession
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) and the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. (CLEO) announced today that the two organizations will renew and extend their partnership to increase diversity and inclusion in the legal profession.
Important Update for August MPRE Candidates
NCBE continues to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely. At this time, the MPRE scheduled for August 11 and 12 at Pearson VUE testing centers is proceeding as scheduled.
White Paper
Response by NCBE to the NYSBA Task Force Report
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) offers this response to the Report of the New York State Bar Association Task Force on the New York Bar Examination (Task Force Report), which was released in March 2020.
NCBE to Provide Additional Support for Jurisdictions During COVID-19 Crisis
NCBE will provide a limited set of questions (MBE, MEE, MPT) to jurisdictions for an emergency remote testing option for local admission during the COVID-19 crisis.
NCBE Offers Discounted Bar Exam Study Aids
NCBE understands the anxiety and financial hardship many bar exam candidates are facing this year.
NCBE Announces It Will Make Exam Materials Available for July Bar Exam
Based on information as of May 5 about which jurisdictions plan to go ahead with the July bar exam, NCBE has determined that there will most likely be a sufficient number of July examinees to administer the exam.
Press Release
February 2020 MBE Mean Score Declines; March 2020 MPRE Mean Score Increases
The national Multistate Bar Examination mean scaled score for February 2020 was 132.6, a decrease of about 1.4 points from the February 2019 mean of 134.0.
White Paper
NCBE Publishes White Paper to Assist Courts and Boards
On April 9, 2020, NCBE published a white paper, Bar Admissions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evaluating Options for the Class of 2020.
ABA Adopts Resolution Urging States to Consider Temporary Admission Pending Bar Passage
On April 7, 2020, the American Bar Association adopted a policy resolution urging states to adopt emergency rules authorizing limited practice with lawyer supervision for recent law school graduates who are facing delayed admission as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
White Paper
Bar Admissions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evaluating Options for the class of 2020
The class of 2020 faces unprecedented challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as does the American public.