NCBE provides Guidelines for Medical Documentation of ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Neurocognitive Disorders, Psychological Disabilities, Physical and Chronic Health-Related Disabilities, and Visual Disabilities to assist applicants and their professionals in documenting the need for accommodations on the MPRE. We recommend that you provide your doctor or other qualified professional with a copy of the Guidelines applicable to your disability.
Generally, medical documentation must
- be typed or printed on official letterhead, in English, signed by a professional who is qualified to make the diagnosis, and establish the credentials of the professional to make the diagnosis (e.g., licensure, certification, area of specialization)
- state the diagnosis(es) based on current diagnostic criteria
- be sufficiently recent or current (typically within the past five years for learning disabilities and ADHD, and within the past year for physical, chronic health-related, and psychological disabilities)
- describe the specific functional limitations and explain how the disability will impact the applicant in taking the MPRE
- include a complete educational, developmental, and medical history relevant to the disability for which testing accommodations are being requested
- include a list of all test instruments used in the evaluation and provide age-based standard scores for all normed measures (percentiles alone are not sufficient)
- include an interpretation and discussion of diagnostic findings
- describe any treatment and the effectiveness thereof
- describe the specific accommodations recommended for the MPRE
- provide a rationale for each accommodation requested
Refer to the Guidelines for your specific disability for detailed information.
If you require testing arrangements or modifications because you will be pregnant or nursing during the MPRE, please see Nursing and Pregnancy-Related Testing Arrangements at ncbex.org/mpre-ada/test-conditions/ for more information about documentation requirements.