Frequently Asked Questions For MPRE Test Accommodations

How do I contact MPRE Test Accommodation Services?

MPRE Test Accommodation Services National Conference of Bar Examiners
302 S. Bedford Street, Madison, WI 53703-3622 | 608-316-3070 |

What can I expect on test day?

Information about the MPRE’s format, permitted Comfort Aids, and the standard test environment can be found at MPRE Test Conditions.

What materials should I prepare before submitting my request for MPRE test accommodation?

There are four components of a complete request: Applicant Information (which can include the optional Personal Narrative), Medical Documentation, Proof of Past Accommodations, and Standardized Test Score Reports. Detailed information about how to prepare your materials can be found at Prepare Your Request for MPRE Test Accommodations.

Can I submit a request because I will be pregnant or nursing on test day?

The National Conference of Bar Examiners will consider requests for testing arrangements to support candidates who are nursing or pregnant. For example, candidates who are nursing may be granted stop-the-clock break time in order to accommodate their need to express milk. Please see Nursing and Pregnancy-Related Testing Arrangements at for more information.

How do I begin the accommodations application?

Applying for MPRE test accommodations is done online. To start your request, log in to your NCBE Account, select MPRE Test Accommodations, and follow the instructions provided.

NCBE will not return any submitted documentation, so you should keep a copy of everything you submit.

If you have questions about how to prepare or submit your request, you may contact us by email at

I am applying for accommodations on the bar exam and need verification of my MPRE accommodations request. Where do I send my verification form?

NCBE provides an Accommodations Confirmation in lieu of completing individual forms from jurisdictions. If accommodations were not granted, only a determination letter is available since no Accommodations Confirmation was issued. All jurisdictions are aware of our policy and the Accommodations Confirmation, or determination letter if accommodations were not granted, posted to the ADA Correspondence section of your NCBE Account File Cabinet should be sufficient. If the appropriate ADA Correspondence is no longer in your NCBE Account File Cabinet, please send an email to for assistance.

What is the deadline for submitting my request?

NCBE does not have deadlines for submitting requests for accommodations on the MPRE. However, complete requests are reviewed in the order received and it typically takes NCBE at least 25 business days to review a request. The later you submit your request after the Recommended Submission Date for your preferred administration, the greater the chance that you will not receive a decision in time to reserve a seat on your preferred test date, at your preferred location, and at your preferred test time. Requests, including forms and documentation, received by NCBE after the registration deadline for a specific MPRE administration will not be considered for that administration of the exam. Please see Important Dates for MPRE Test Accommodations.

Is there a cost to apply for MPRE accommodations?

No, there is no cost to apply for accommodations. You should request MPRE accommodations within your NCBE Account, receive a determination from NCBE, and then complete MPRE registration. MPRE fees are posted at MPRE Registration Information.

I missed the Recommended Submission Date for my preferred MPRE test administration. Can I still submit a request?

You can submit a request for accommodations even if the Recommended Submission Date for your preferred MPRE test date has passed. However, by doing so, you run the risk of not receiving a decision in time to reserve a seat on your preferred test date, at your preferred location, and at your preferred test time. Complete requests are reviewed in the order received and it typically takes NCBE at least 25 business days to review a request. Requests, including forms and documentation, received by NCBE after the registration deadline for a specific MPRE administration will not be considered for that administration of the exam.

I have already registered and scheduled a test appointment for the MPRE. Can I still request accommodations?

Accommodations cannot be added to an existing test appointment. If you already have a test appointment and then submit a request for accommodations and accommodations are approved, you will need to cancel your appointment, wait for a new Authorization to Test email from Pearson VUE which lists your approved accommodations, and then schedule a new test appointment in order to test with all of your approved accommodations. NOTE: You should not cancel your test appointment until after you receive a determination on your request for accommodations because if your request for accommodations is not approved, you may choose to keep your scheduled appointment (without accommodations).

There may be fees associated with canceling and scheduling a new appointment to test; for more details, refer to MPRE Registration Information or contact MPRE Registration at

Please note that it typically takes NCBE at least 25 business days to review a request and there is no guarantee that test appointments will be available on your preferred test date, at your preferred test location, or at your preferred test time, as appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.

I registered and scheduled a test appointment with my approval accommodations, but I plan to appeal or request reconsideration because not everything I requested was approved. What should I do?

Accommodations cannot be added to an existing test appointment. If you already have a test appointment and then submit an appeal or a request for reconsideration and additional accommodations are approved, you will need to cancel your appointment, wait for a new Authorization to Test email from Pearson VUE that lists all of the approved accommodations (including those newly approved upon appeal or reconsideration), and schedule a new test appointment in order to test with all of your approved accommodations.

NOTE: You should not cancel your test appointment until after you receive a determination on your appeal or request for reconsideration because if you are not approved for additional accommodations after an appeal or request for reconsideration, you may choose to keep your scheduled test appointment with previously granted accommodation(s) that are included in your initial test appointment.

There may be fees associated with canceling and scheduling a new appointment to test; for more details, refer to MPRE Registration Information or contact MPRE Registration at

Please note that it typically takes NCBE at least 25 business days to review an appeal or a request for reconsideration and there is no guarantee that test appointments will be available on your preferred test date, at your preferred test location, or at your preferred test time, as appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.

How will I know NCBE received my request?

After you submit your initial request, appeal, request for reconsideration, or extension request, a summary will be available in the MPRE Test Accommodations section of your NCBE Account. It will also be posted to your NCBE Account File Cabinet. The initial summary will show your administration preferences, requested accommodations, and responses, and will list the names and sizes of all included files. You are advised to retain a copy of each summary for your records. If you do not receive your summary within one business day, please contact NCBE to confirm that your request was received.

How long does it take for my request to be reviewed?

It typically takes NCBE at least 25 business days to review a request. If your complete request is received after the Recommended Submission Date, you run the risk of not being able to test on your preferred test date, at your preferred location, and/or at your preferred test time. Refer to the Important Dates for MPRE Test Accommodations.

What happens if my request is approved?

If accommodations are approved, after you receive notice of our determination to your NCBE Account File Cabinet, you are encouraged to register and schedule a test appointment for the MPRE as soon as possible. Test appointments are scheduled on a first come, first served basis and some test accommodations may take longer for Pearson VUE to arrange.

To complete the NCBE portion of the registration process, log into your NCBE Account, click MPRE Registration, and follow the instructions provided. After completing registration, within 24 hours, you will receive an Authorization to Test email from Pearson VUE. Ensure your approved accommodations are listed completely and correctly on the Authorization to Test before scheduling a test appointment.

What happens if my request is only partially approved or not granted?

If your request for accommodations is approved in part or not granted, you will receive notice of our determination to your NCBE Account File Cabinet. If you do not agree with NCBE’s determination, you may submit either an (1) appeal, or a (2) request for reconsideration. Please see our website for more information on appeals and requests for reconsideration at MPRE Test Accommodations Decisions.

NOTE: If you plan to appeal or request reconsideration of NCBE’s determination, DO NOT register and schedule a test appointment until after you receive a determination on your appeal or request for reconsideration. Accommodations cannot be added to an existing test appointment. 

To complete the NCBE portion of the registration process, log into your NCBE Account, click MPRE Registration, and follow the instructions provided. After completing registration, within 24 hours, you will receive an Authorization to Test email from Pearson VUE. Ensure your approved accommodations are listed completely and correctly on the Authorization to Test before scheduling a test appointment.

How long are my approved accommodations valid and what is the expiration date of my accommodations?

Accommodations are approved with a period of eligibility. The expiration date of an approved accommodation will be listed on your Accommodations Confirmation and in your determination letter.

I was previously approved for MPRE accommodations. Do I need to apply again?

If you were previously approved for MPRE accommodations and wish to take the MPRE again within your period of eligibility (i.e., your accommodations will not expire on or before your intended test day), you do not need to reapply. You may proceed directly to MPRE Registration in your NCBE Account, register for the MPRE, and then schedule a test appointment after receiving your Authorization to Test email from Pearson VUE.

If your accommodations were not approved with a period of eligibility (you were granted accommodations for an MPRE administrations prior to and including the November 2019 MPRE), you must submit a new request using the online MPRE test accommodations application. To start your request, log in to your NCBE Account, select MPRE Test Accommodations, and follow the instructions provided.

The eligibility period for my approval accommodations ends before the day I plan to test. What should I do?

If your eligibility period will end before your intended MPRE test date and you are seeking to extend your previously approved accommodations, you only need to submit an extension request.

IMPORTANT: Expired accommodations CANNOT be extended, and extension requests for accommodations that have expired will not be considered. If your extension request is not received by NCBE before the expiration date listed on your Accommodations Confirmation, you must submit a new and complete request.

See Extension Requests for more information.

The eligibility period for my approved accommodations ends before the day I plan to test, but I want to appeal/request reconsideration because not everything I requested was approved. What should I do?

If your eligibility period will end before your intended MPRE test date and you wish to have your request re-reviewed, submit an appeal or a request for reconsideration. If your appeal or request for reconsideration is not received by NCBE before the expiration date listed on your Accommodations Confirmation, you must submit a new and complete request. See our website for more information on appeals and requests for reconsideration at MPRE Test Accommodations Decisions.

NOTE: If you plan to appeal or request reconsideration of NCBE’s determination, DO NOT register and schedule a test appointment until after you receive a determination on your appeal or request for reconsideration. Accommodations cannot be added to an existing test appointment.

My accommodations have expired. How can I request accommodations on a future MPRE?

If your approved accommodations have expired, you will need to submit a new request. Log in to your NCBE Account, select MPRE Test Accommodations, and follow the instructions provided. If you have questions after reviewing the website or while completing your online application, please email us at or call MPRE Test Accommodation Services at 608-316-3070.