NCBE Publications
The Bar Examiner

The Bar Examiner, NCBE's quarterly publication, provides comprehensive, authoritative information on current issues in bar admissions and legal education and features annual bar examination and admission statistics by jurisdiction.
The Bar Examiner is published as a service to courts, the legal academy, bar admission administrators, members of bar examining boards and character committees, and others with particular interest in the bar admissions process.
Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements

The Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements, published in collaboration with the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, provides information on bar admission requirements in all US jurisdictions, including a directory of state bar admission agencies.
Bar Exam Fundamentals for Legal Educators

NCBE’s newest publication addresses questions drawn from conversations NCBE has had with legal educators across the country about how the bar exam is developed, administered, and scored. We believe that the more information you and your students have about how the bar exam is developed, administered, and scored, the better prepared your students will be to take and pass the bar exam.
2024 Year in Review

NCBE is pleased to provide the 2024 Year in Review. NCBE’s annual Year in Review publication highlights the work of NCBE’s volunteers and staff in fulfilling its mission. It provides information about the many services NCBE provides to jurisdictions, the support it provides for applicants and for the bar admissions community, and the many educational events it produces and hosts. The Year in Review provides a data-filled snapshot into the work NCBE undertakes in its commitment to serving the bar admissions community.